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Development of smart contracts and creating tokens on Ethereum, buying and selling ETH, other consulting.

Decentralized applications (dapps)

Ethereum-powered tools and services

Dapps are a growing movement of applications that use Ethereum to disrupt business models or invent new ones.
Illustration of a doge using a computer

Get started

To try a dapp, you'll need a wallet and some ETH. A wallet will allow you to connect, or log in. And you'll need ETH to pay any transaction fees. What are transaction fees?

Editors' choices 👍

A few dapps the team are loving right now. Explore more dapps below.


Swap your tokens with ease. A community favourite that allows you to trade tokens with folks across the network.

Open Uniswap

Dark Forest

Play against others to conquer planets and try out bleeding-edge Ethereum scaling/privacy technology. Maybe one for those already familiar with Ethereum.

Open Dark Forest


Invest in culture. Buy, trade, and sell unique digital artwork and fashion from some incredible artists, musicians, and brands.

Open Foundation


Buy a ticket for the no-loss lottery. Each week, the interest generated from the entire ticket pool is sent to one lucky winner. Get your money back whenever you like.

Open PoolTogether

Explore dapps

A lot of dapps are still experimental, testing the possibilties of decentralized networks. But there have been some successful early movers in the technology, financial, gaming and collectibles categories.

Choose category

Arts and collectibles

Decentralized finance 💸

These are applications that focus on building out financial services using cryptocurrencies. They offer the likes of lending, borrowing, earning interest, and private payments – no personal data required.

Always do your own research

Ethereum is a new technology and most applications are new. Before depositing any large quantities of money, make sure you understand the risks.

Lending and borrowing

Lend your tokens to earn interest and withdraw any time.
Lend your tokens to earn interest and withdraw any time.
Trade, borrow, and save with Dai, an Ethereum stablecoin.

Token swaps

Swap tokens simply or provide tokens for % rewards.
Searches multiple exchanges to help find you the best prices.
Helps you avoid high price slippage by aggregating best prices.

Trading and prediction markets

Bet on outcomes. Trade on information markets.
Bet on outcomes of sports, economics, and more world events.
Peer-to-peer trading platform built for speed.
Open short or leveraged positions with leverage up to 10x. Lending and borrowing available too.


Token Sets
Crypto investment strategies that automatically rebalance.
A lottery you can't lose. Prizes every week.


Tornado cash
Send anonymous transactions on Ethereum.
Stream money in real-time.


Gitcoin Grants
Crowdfunding for Ethereum community projects with amplified contributions

View wallets

Wallets are dapps too. Find one based on the features that suit you.

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All products listed on this page are not official endorsements, and are provided for informational purposes only. If you want to add a product or provide feedback on the policy raise an issue in GitHub.

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The magic ✨ behind decentralized finance


Open access

Financial services running on Ethereum have no sign up requirements. If you have funds and an internet connection, you’re good to go.


A new token economy

There’s a whole world of tokens that you can interact with across these financial products. People are building new tokens on top of Ethereum all the time.



Teams have built stablecoins – a less volatile cryptocurrency. These allow you to experiment and use crypto without the risk and uncertainty.


Interconnected financial services

Financial products in the Ethereum space are all modular and compatible with one another. New configurations of these modules are hitting the market all the time, increasing what you can do with your crypto.

Browse another category

Arts and collectibles

The magic behind dapps

Dapps might feel like regular apps. But behind the scenes they have some special qualities because they inherit all of Ethereum’s superpowers. Here's what makes dapps different from apps.

What makes Ethereum great?

No owners

Once deployed to Ethereum, dapp code can’t be taken down. And anyone can use the dapp’s features. Even if the team behind the dapp disbanded you could still use it. Once on Ethereum, it stays there.


Free from censorship


Built-in payments


Plug and play


One anonymous login


Backed by cryptography


No down time

How dapps work

Dapps have their backend code (smart contracts) running on a decentralized network and not a centralized server. They use the Ethereum blockchain for data storage and smart contracts for their app logic.

A smart contract is like a set of rules that live on-chain for all to see and run exactly according to those rules. Imagine a vending machine: if you supply it with enough funds and the right selection, you'll get the item you want. And like vending machines, smart contracts can hold funds much like your Ethereum account. This allows code to mediate agreements and transactions.

Once dapps are deployed on the Ethereum network you can't change them. Dapps can be decentralized because they are controlled by the logic written into the contract, not an individual or a company.

Learn to build a dapp

Our community developer portal has docs, tools, and frameworks to help you start building a dapp.